Why is the sterilization of canned food important?

Why is the sterilization of canned food important?

The objective of the sterilization of food packed in hermetic containers is the destruction of all bacteria, including their spores, without significantly altering the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the original product. In addition, it allows compliance with the legislation on Safety and Hygiene for canned foods.

During the last decades, we have witnessed improvements in the eating habits of the population, which seek to promote nutrition and collective health. Hand in hand with these healthy practices of food selection and preparation are the changes in their production and industrialization.

An example of these practices is the exploitation of primary agricultural production and the surplus of the food obtained, both of which avoid food waste and make profitable crops by-products.

Thus, with these changes in the primary production chain come improvements in the processes of food industrialization, under current regulations, with a view to guaranteeing the right to food security. Within the food standards, there are the mandatory practices for obtaining and marketing safe and nutritious food.

Safe canned food

Control measures to obtain healthy and safe food cover responsible cultivation, harvesting and processing practices. Furthermore, in order to reach the consumer’s table safely, vegetable or animal canned food must also meet the rigorous sterilization packaging standards of the food industry..

At TERRA Food-Tech ® by RAYPA we produce compact autoclaves for packaged foods designed for cooking, sterilizing and pasteurizing canned foods using a temperature probe placed on a product sample. This allows a perfect control of the process preserving the organoleptic properties, minimizing the possible changes in the nutritional characteristics of the packaged product and complying with all the requirements and standards of the food industry. For more information, contact our sales team.

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