The nutritional project of CuorMio® was developed by Luca Cuormio, pioneer and disseminator of the DogFoodness philosophy in Italy, who puts a healthy diet at the center of the dog’s well-being.
Concerned about the discomfort of his pet, a Chihuahua named Nancy, Luca decided to create a line of healthy foods for small dogs like his own and also for cats, with the help of a specialized nutritionist.
CuorMio® products are a natural alternative characterized by the fact that they do not use flour or cereals, are made with soft dough filled with water and with fresh ingredients cooked in the oven.
CuorMio® preparations include dry and crunchy foods or pâtés. All of them with a variety of flavors, both meat and fish. CuorMio® are also snacks, beauty products and canine complements.
Problem: to find and formulate the healthiest and most palatable diet for pets.

The DogFoodness philosophy focuses on providing our dogs with the best possible nutrition to keep them healthy. For this reason, Luca Cuormio, as a pioneer and disseminator in his country, focused on finding the definitive alternative to the dog food available on the market so far.
Through his experience he knew that an optimal diet is the key for our pets to be and feel well, his little dog Nancy is proof of that. The difficulty lay in how to offer other people who, like him, want the best for their four-legged friends a valid and convenient option of a complete homemade diet with top-quality ingredients. It was there that, together with an animal nutritionist, he was able to formulate the diet that best suits the needs and tastes of these animals. Therefore, two varieties are offered, dry food and wet food.
Challenge: to market the products for such a diet

Dry and crunchy foods did not pose any extra difficulty for marketing. However, the wet ones did, as they were intended to be products that could be kept out of the refrigerator before opening without any change in appearance, taste, odor or texture. The fact that CuorMio® pâtés did not require refrigeration meant that they had to be sterilized beforehand, and this had to be done with great care to ensure that they did not undergo any organoleptic changes.
In addition, another important aspect was to calibrate the amount of each of the mixtures inside the glass jars so that it would be a complete dish with all its nutrients and that, both separately and as a whole, would be well prepared.
Also, it had to be taken into account that the production was not industrial, but rather reduced and more at the beginning, so it was necessary to have professional equipment designed for this type of productions.
Solution: obtain a stable product through an appropriate sterilization process.

Luca Cuormio found himself with many challenges to face. So he did some research and became interested in the cooking possibilities of various foods. He looked for the best option to sterilize his products and came across the TERRA Food-Tech® autoclave, which immediately represented a solution to the different obstacles he faced.
“The TERRA Food-Tech autoclave has swiftly emerged as an essential solution to our problem, given its precise alignment with our requirements.”
Luca Cuormio, fundador de CuorMio®
Firstly, because it allows you to finish cooking and sterilizing the different preparations, always taking into account the different ingredients and ensuring that the preserves do not lose any of their quality, thanks to a flexible probe which is inserted into one of the preserves and allows the temperature of the food to be monitored at all times.
Secondly, because it is a professional equipment designed for small and medium-sized productions that allows, thanks to its accessoriesSecondly, because it is a professional equipment designed for small and medium productions, which allows, thanks to its accessories, to increase the production of each cycle according to the evolution of the business and the production needs of the moment.
“I have already recommended the TERRA Food-Tech® autoclave on multiple occasions.”
Luca Cuormio, fundador de CuorMio®
Moreover, Luca confesses to be very happy with the purchase experience and the after-sales assistance and thanks Fabio and Omar from Astori Tecnica for their help and attention.
The autoclave and the advice of TERRA Food-Tech® have been a great step forward for the entire line of CuorMio pâtés. So much so that they use it at least twice a day.
“I believe the canning world is a good business opportunity for companies like mine that cater to a niche customer segment that represents a market segment with particular and growing needs.”
Luca Cuormio, fundador de CuorMio®