When we buy a processed food we must take into account many factors. For example, the taste, the quality of the product, the territory where it was produced, the production process, the price, its environmental and social impact and also the history behind the product.
On these last three points we want to share with you the story of one of our clients. Ecoberri has developed, through collaboration between three entities, two of them social, a whole line of products with social and environmental purposes. Products that are also the result of cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.
The elaboration of artisan preserves in addition to a profitable business, can mean:
- A job opportunity for people at risk of social exclusion.
- The reuse of food surplus, not suitable for commercialization.
- The promotion of sustainable social economy initiatives.
We invite you to watch the presentation video of this interesting social initiative:
The origins of Ecoberri preserves: Gizartelur, Lapiko Catering and Leartiker
Ecoberri was born, first of all, thanks to Gizartelur, an initiative of social gardens for self-consumption created by the Vicaría II of Cáritas Bizkaia and a group of volunteers. They were joined by the Cáritas Diocesana Employment Area, which turned this first idea into a social and ecological company, dedicated to the agroecological production of vegetables and fruits of the forest. Some time later, with the aim of selling KM0 products from the Gordexola garden (located in Bizkaia), the organic brand was founded from Gizartelur SL Biozaki.
The next step was to create Ecoberri gourmet preserves in order to enhance the surplus raw material that could not be sold fresh. For this, we had the collaboration of Lapiko Catering, an insertion company belonging to the hospitality sector and promoted by Cáritas Bizkaia and Peñascal Koop, with which they already worked before. Lapiko provides the know-how, the facilities, the material resources, the recipes and the qualified personnel.
And already to complete the circle and improve the competitiveness of Ecoberri, he joined Leartiker as a food technology center specialized in advising and accompanying agri-food companies in innovation and diversification processes.
Financing for the creation of Ecoberri preserves
In addition to the great human capital, Ecoberri preserves have also been possible thanks to the rural development plan financed by the Basque Government to promote innovation in cooperation, through the development of innovative collaborative initiatives throughout the food value chain; and to EAFRD funds (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development).
Regarding investments in machinery (cold storage, autoclave and cream cookers), the Ecoberri initiative has had resources from the Banco Santander fund.
Ecoberri preserves
“Ecoberri are gourmet preserves both for their artisan production, without preservatives or colorings, and for the raw materials with which they are made: organic, local and healthy fruits and vegetables from the Biozaki brand.”
Nekane Narbaiza, manager of Lapiko Catering
Ecoberri preserves are made in Lapiko’s central kitchen, where they have a TERRA Food-Tech® autoclave. In their facilities, they have all the necessary health records, as well as preventive and food safety management control systems applicable to the entire food chain, from the supply of local organic raw material to the distribution of canned food. The facilities, machinery and tools are approved to carry out the process of transformation of horticultural products into canned vegetables.
In its preparation, at all times, they try to reduce the carbon footprint by buying from local and sustainable companies, acquiring seasonal products, avoiding buying products that have a lot of excessive packaging or packaging, efficiently managing waste and controlling energy use and water.
Purchase of Ecoberri preserves
Currently, Ecoberri canned food can be purchased through the ecoshop online from the Biozaki website, and are also available in local shops in Bizkaia. The preserves that, today, are for sale are zucchini cream, tomato marmalade, grated beet, tomato sauce and apple juice.
Likewise, work is being done on new proposals for jams, pisto, ketchup, vegetable patés, vegetable sauces, pear and apple chutney, and hummus among others, with the purpose of putting them on sale in glass format in mid-2021.
Ecoberri: preserves with social value, committed to the environment and sustainable

The Ecoberri project shows that gourmet preserves can be a business opportunity behind which there are solid values, such as cooperation between various entities with the same purpose, commitment to the environment, environmental sustainability and support for people in a situation or risk of social exclusion.
From TERRA Food-Tech® we want to echo these types of initiatives and projects that help create a better world for everyone. Thank you very much Ecoberri Preserves and all the companies involved for your great contribution to the world of gourmet preserves!